Bullying Prevention: Empowering Your Child to Stand Up

Bullying has become an epidemic in schools across the country, negatively impacting millions of children. According to recent statistics, 1 in 5 students report being bullied at school, with both short and long-term detrimental effects on self-esteem, mental health, and academic performance. As a concerned parent, you undoubtedly want to empower your child to stand up against bullying, whether directed at themselves or others. The good news is that there are proven strategies you can employ to build up your child’s confidence, teach them conflict resolution tactics, and intervene as needed.

Start with Open Communication

The first key step is fostering open communication with your child about bullying. You need to educate them on what constitutes bullying (physical, verbal, relational aggression, cyberbullying) and make it clear that bullying is always unacceptable. Let them know they can come to you if they experience or witness bullying without fear of judgement or ridicule. Talk about bullying scenarios and how your child should respond - walking away, telling the bully to stop, and alerting an adult for assistance. Reinforce that reporting bullying is not the same as tattling and that speaking up can help end bullying.

Role Responses to Build Confidence


Simply telling kids what to do when confronted by a bully is rarely sufficient. Put words into action by role-playing possible scenarios - name calling, social exclusion, fear of physical violence, etc. Brainstorm and practise potential verbal responses that are direct, assertive and diffuse tension rather than escalate it. For example, responding to an insult by calmly saying, “I do not appreciate being spoken to that way. Please stop.” Display confident body language, like making eye contact and keeping a relaxed posture. The repetition will empower your child to stand up to real-life bullies.

Promote Positive Relationships with Peers

Kids who have strong social ties are less likely to be targeted by bullies and more likely to gain peer support against bullying. Encourage your child to pursue interests to meet potential friends, whether that be sports leagues, theatre, coding camps, or other activities. Model and reinforce inclusion, perspective-taking, and looking out for others. Discuss strategies for joining group conversations and games in a respectful manner. Building up group belonging makes them less isolated and vulnerable.

Set an Example with Healthy Self-Confidence

Children often mimic their parents’ behaviour and attitudes. Set the standard by handling conflict, critiques or challenges with grace and self-assurance. Praise your child for exhibiting positive qualities to bolster their self-confidence. Help counteract any self-doubt stemming from bullying by identifying strengths unrelated to superficial qualities. Make it clear you believe in their worth. Kids who feel secure and valued can better brush off bullying attempts.

Monitor the Situation and Advocate as Needed

While the ideal is to empower kids to stand up independently against bullying, parent involvement is often crucial, especially if bullying persists or escalates. Document any concerning incidents from your child or the school. Have continued check-ins after disciplinary action is taken to ensure the bullying has ceased. Escalate advocacy with administrators if the school climate feels unsafe. No tolerance policies must be consistently enforced. As a last resort, you may need to transfer schools. Your child’s security comes first.

Bullying can have traumatic impacts on kids, so taking proactive and supportive steps is key. Have ongoing bully prevention conversations, equip your child with strategies for responding, help them build positive social connections, foster their confidence and self-advocacy skills, and step in as needed. With vigilance and compassion, you can empower your child to stand up against bullying attempts now and into the future.


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